- May 1933
- Founded as Osaka Cellophane & Co.
- Apr. 1949
- Established Osaka Cellophane Co., Ltd.
- Dec. 1957
- Opened the Tokyo Branch
- Jun. 1967
- Spun off the Tokyo branch from Osaka Cellophane Co., Ltd. as an independent company, Nihon Cellonpack Co., Ltd.Completed construction of the Tokyo Factory
- May 1972
- Changed the company name of Osaka Cellonpack Co., Ltd. to Nihon Cellonpack Co., Ltd. Osaka Head Office, adopting a dual head office system with the Tokyo Head Office
- Sep. 1972
- Purchased a lot in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, for expansion of the Tokyo Factory
- Sep. 1974
- Finished first-stage construction of the Saitama Factory
- Apr. 1977
- Finished second-stage construction of the Saitama Factory
- Mar. 1986
- Purchased a lot (within the Kameda Kogyo Danchi industrial park in Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture) to support sales promotion in the Niigata area, and also started construction of the Niigata Factory
- Dec. 1986
- Completed the Niigata Factory
Opened the Niigata Branch
- Mar. 1990
- Purchased a lot in Kuroiso City, Tochigi Prefecture, to support business expansion
- Jul. 1990
- Started construction of the Kanto Factory in Kuroiso City, Tochigi Prefecture
- May 1991
- Completed the Kanto Factory and started operation
- Jun. 2004
- Implemented a capital tie-up with Kyoritsu Laminate Co., Ltd.
- May 2008
- Implemented a capital tie-up with Nagano Mitsuwa Polyethylene Co., Ltd.
- Jul. 2010
- Relocated the Tokyo Head Office to support business expansion
- Jul. 2010
- Initiated a business alliance with Huangshan Novel Co., Ltd. in China
- Nov. 2012
- Implemented a capital tie-up with Eka Pak Co., Ltd. in Thailand
- Aug. 2013
- Established Cellonpack Asia Pacific in Thailand
- Aug. 2013
- Established Cellonpack Ekart in Thailand
- May 2014
- Implemented a capital tie-up with Bangkok Foil in Thailand
- Sep. 2015
- Changed the company name to Craftz Co., Ltd.
- Sep. 2015
- Opened the Osaka Branch
- Feb. 2018
- Bangkok Foil’s second Factory opened in the Samut Sakhon Industrial Estate in Thailand
- Nov. 2023
- CELLONPACK EKART and BANGKOK FOIL name change to Craftz Packaging Thai Co., Ltd.
- Nov. 2023
- Nagano Mitsuwa Polyethylene Co., Ltd. completed a new factory.
- Dec. 2023
- Craftz Packaging Thai Co., Ltd. third Factory opened in the Samut Sakhon Industrial Estate in Thailand