We aim to contribute toward the realization of a sustainable society,
example by improving the workplace environment and providing support for our employees; by doing so,
we aim to realize a further increase in corporate value.
Craftz’s Environmental Philosophy
and Basic Strategy
Craftz Co., Ltd. is striving to contribute to the realization of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
No Poverty; Zero Hunger; Good Health and Well-being; Quality Education; Gender Equality; Clean
Water and Sanitation;
Affordable and Clean Energy; Decent Work and Economic Growth;
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; Reduced Inequalities;
Sustainable Cities and
Communities; Responsible Consumption and Production; Climate Action; Life Below Water;
Life on Land; Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; and Partnerships for the Goals.
In addition, Craftz is proceeding with the following initiatives, aimed at enhancing the company’s economic value, environmental value, and social value.
1. The company’s economic value
- Company profile: Please see the company profile on our website
- Business areas:Please see our business areas on our website
- Initiatives relating to quality and safety:We will comply with relevant laws and regulations, and we will carry out our operations in conformity with applicable standards and criteria, including the ISO standards.
2. The company’s environmental value
- Promoting a greater emphasis on energy conservation:We are working to reduce energy consumption and energy-related emissions.
- Promoting resource conservation: We are striving to minimize the loss of raw materials and auxiliary materials, and we are promoting a shift to paperless operation as working from home becomes normalized.
- Compliance with environmental legislation: We comply with the provisions of Japan’s Act on the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging, Waste Management and Public Cleaning Act, Water Pollution Control Act and Air Pollution Control Act.
- Ecology: We are working to implement proper handling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and switch over to alternative energy sources, transition to LED lighting, and implement waste recycling in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics.
3. The company’s social value
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
We are implementing measures that target the entire supply chain, encouraging our individual suppliers to fulfill their corporate social responsibility.
Social initiatives
1. We aim to reduce road accidents involving our employees to zero, as an initiative for enhancing safety and
peace of mind.
2. We are undertaking the following quality-first and customer-first initiatives:
- We are implementing quality-related risk management.
- We are maintaining compliance with ISO standards in relation to our products, and continuing to implement related internal auditing.
- We have established a customer consultation desk.
- We are implementing internal awareness-raising activities emphasizing the importance of putting the customer first.
Social contribution activities
We encourage our employees to take part in volunteering activities
Respect for human rights: We respect labor standards in relation to our employees (regarding the minimum
wage, working hours, flexible workstyles, and prevention of all types of workplace harassment), and we
collaborate with our business partners to achieve progress in this regard
(implementing supply chain due diligence)
Our business partners
We are working to achieve mutual prosperity based on mutual trust with our suppliers and customers.
We provide fair, equitable opportunities for participation regardless of nationality, scale of business, or
record of past transactions.
We implement human rights measures with respect to the supply chain.
We hold meetings with first-tier suppliers, and encourage them to make improvements where necessary.
We work to foster coordination between Craftz Group companies.
Health, safety, and hygiene
We work to prevent occupational accidents through the activities, including the Health and Safety
We work to safeguard employees’ health through health checkups, health guidance, and one-to-one meetings
with (and guidance from) occupational health physicians.
We allow smoking only in designated areas within company buildings, and we help employees to quit smoking.
Supporting women’s empowerment
We formulate and implement action plans in line with Japan’s Act on Promotion of Female Participation and
Career Advancement in the Workplace.
We are also proceeding with support for work-life balance, striving to encourage employees to take maternity
leave, childcare leave, and nursing care leave in accordance with the provisions of Japan’s Act on
Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-generation Children.
Support for people with disabilities
We are implementing measures to provide employment for people with disabilities, in collaboration with special education schools.
We are working to realize workplaces, including our overseas subsidiaries, characterized by an understanding of LGBTQ+ issues.
Human rights, nationality, and religion
We are working to safeguard human rights and realize diversity in relation to nationality and religion, including at our overseas subsidiaries.
Active utilization of human talent aged 60 or over
We are implementing measures to promote the re-employment of retired employees, in accordance with Japan’s Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons.
Diversification of human talent
We strive to realize the recruitment, cultivation, training, evaluation, and provision of feedback to talented individuals with strong work implementation skills, and we are proceeding with measures to raise the percentage of managers and company officers who are women.
SDGs – Realization of a sustainable society
We are proceeding with initiatives based on the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.
Human rights policy
We comply with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and with the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
We work to safeguard the human rights of our customers and everyone involved with our business activities,
and we are continuing to realize improvements in this area.
We continue to create packaging that constitutes vital infrastructure for society.
Forced labor
We strive to prevent forced labor, and we are working to realize the concept of Decent Work as advocated by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Child labor
To help solve the problem of child labor, we work to identify all the participants in our supply chain, and we are proceeding with efforts to confirm the background of all suppliers.
Freedom of association
We respect employees’ right to freedom of association and their right not to be forced into association, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and we strive to take all opportunities to engage in dialog with employees.
Migrant labor
We carry out our business in accordance with the provisions of the Dhaka Principles, which are referenced by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Stable employment for non-regular employees
We comply with the system for converting from a limited-term contract of employment to an unlimited-term contract, and we are constantly striving to adjust and improve the terms of employment for non-regular employees.
Measures relating to efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic
We implement measures relating to infection prevention and disinfecting, and we strive to keep relevant information up-to-date.
4. Corporate governance
Corporate governance
We are working to strengthen the day-to-day supervisory function in relation to our performance of our
business activities.
We are striving to strengthen our internal controls and optimize human resources allocation.
We are proceeding with the setting of key performance indicators (KPIs) and with efforts to clarify the gap
between the current situation and where we want to be in the future.
Risk management
We are proceeding with the formulation of risk management strategies
We aim to formulate a business continuity planning (BCP) strategy.
We take information security into account when designing internal systems.
To combat infectious diseases, we ask employees to use hand sanitizer, we implement effective ventilation on
an ongoing basis, and we encourage employees to get vaccinated.
To prevent the giving or receiving of bribes, we strive to ensure thorough implementation of rules governing
entertainment and gifts.
We have built a fair relationship with respect to government systems—such as taxation and social
insurance—that the company is required to operate within the framework of.
We are proceeding with the establishment of systems that will ensure the company is prepared to respond to
any information leaks or external cyber-attacks.
We have established a consultation desk for employees to use, and we make a concerted effort to ensure that
whistleblowers are protected.
Policy regarding the protection of personal information
We designate specific personnel as being responsible for the handling of personal information within the
company, and we work to safeguard employees’ confidential information.
We work to strengthen the relationship between employees by asking all employees to sign a 20-item pledge.
5. Inquiries and customer consultation window
For any inquiries or customer queries, please either e-mail or telephone the customer consultation hotline
listed on our company’s website.
Inquiry form